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How can I migrate eDoc Organizer Home Edition data to the Cloud Edition

eDoc LLC provides a utility to help our eDoc Organizer Home customers migrate their data to eDoc Organizer Cloud Edition.


  1. Sign up for an eDoc Organizer Cloud Edition account.
    To ensure successful transfer please ensure that you have signed
    up for the appropriate plan with enough storage space in eDoc Organizer cloud
    edition to accommodate all your data. If you are not sure, we recommend that you signup for a plan with higher storage allocation and then reduce it once your data has been transferred successfully. 

    You can get a rough estimate of how many documents you have an what their sizes are by opening eDoc Organizer Home Edition and pressing Ctrl+Alt+O key combination in the main window. This will open the location on your computer where all the documents are stored. Right click on the 'Document store' folder and click on Properties to see how many files and the total size of that folder.
  2. Create a local backup of your eDoc Organizer Home Edition data using the File > Backup menu item in eDoc Organizer Home Edition.

Transfer of Data

  1. Download and install the Cloud Migration Utility from the following link: The Cloud Migration Utility can take a eDoc Organizer home edition backup and migrate it to the cloud service.
  2. Run the Cloud Migration Utility. Enter the credentials of the eDoc Organizer Cloud service account and point the utility to the latest backup from your eDoc Organizer home edition. Click the 'Start Migration' button to start the upload of your data to the cloud account.

Depending upon your internet connection upload speed it
might take a few hours to upload your documents. The upload should not be interrupted as you might end up with duplicate data if you run the utility more than once. 
If there is an error during the upload, it is recommended that you delete the data in your cloud account before re-running the utility.

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